Friday, July 17, 2009

Thanks Shadout Mapes... and thanks goes to SHUGGY as well for his continued support.

We've received $20 from a mysterious desert dweller, who says:

list my name as "Shadout Mapes" I can't even tell you how excited I am that you guys are doing this! I have been dreaming of doing Dune/BRC crossovers- if I wasn't starting $#@%^&* graduate school the same time as Burning Man, you can bet I'd be there, using my hooks to keep shaihulud on the surface of the desert. Have so much fun!!

1 comment:

  1. I missed the fun last Saturday because by 7pm everyone had abandoned the Sietch. Just some old guy and his dogs sitting in a car outside the fence.
    But I am persistently random, and thanks to that forewarning about a noon Sunday start time I am gonna try it again. I have pierced the veil of the Future (good batch of Spice this week) and can confidently state that Sunday is THE DAY for mouthwork. Making the Mouth work. OR, Shai-Hulud goes to the Dentist.

    See you on the Worm! -Shuggy
