We are on our way. Only saw one
Burner car in Salem!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Worm almost ready to roll
Oh, did I mention? It has a skin. :-)
The front is open-ish, no covering on the mouth, but they may give us the full thumbs up. Which will mean we'll need more fuel.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Parade Wed at BRC! Other Mutant Vehicles needed to help...
The band needs a ride from 8:30 and Esplanade (Spanky's Village and Wine Bar) at about 5:00pm on Wednesday, Sept. 2nd to Camp Sietch Grabrear (located at 6:00 and Fossil).
Parade leaves between 5:30 - 6:00 PM.
If you know of another mutant vehicle that can help bring the band to us, please let me know. We could use more than one, so that no one is overloaded. And spread the word, we don't want Shug using his cattle prod on fellow band mates to herd them there!
Walkers, dancers, stilters, bicycles, mutant vehicles, musicians, off worlders and humans are all welcome to join in the parade too!
Just a short march (more like a crawl) up 6:00 from Fossil to Center Camp.
Be sparkly!
wear something out of this world!
- Stormfeather
The Intergalactic Species Parade
Camp Sietch Grabrear
6:00 and Fossil (back side of Silicon Village)
Black Rock City
Wednesday, Sept 2
Gather and garb at 5 pm.
Parade leaves between 5:30- 6 pm.
All evolving creatures are invited to join us.
Last year BB member David and his flaming tuba, joined us for our Burning Sam Parade! We are happy and honored that the Burning Band will be joining us again this year!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Progress and little worms
where they are eating each other.
On the build front, we figured out the Big Question, which we've been
scratching out heads about for months. How to open and close the mouth
easily? BenK's idea and Ted's model and some kibitzing and TADA!
Perfect! Two ropes and two pulleys and it's working. Piece of cake.
See BenK's video.
We had a short day working on the lower rib frame. Ted and BenK threw
in on it and we chowed on Cary's spagetti. Rain chased us away.
Big day Thursday, it's now crunch time and we need all hands on deck
Thursday-Sunday. If you can sew, or cook, or mix drinks, or work metal,
or zip-tie, or wire, or just kibbitz and add to the energy, this is it.
We won't make it there without you. Much glorious fun awaits us!
giant fuzzy worms
Monday, August 10, 2009
Progress 6/9
Hello, this is the first time I'm blogging Worm build updates directly. So many updates have not gone to this blog, I hope no one has been paying attention. Newfangled bloggimagigger! Over the last week we finished filling out the mouth with a really cool looking grid of heavy steel wires. Awesome looking if I may say so myself! BenK and Noodles chipped in, and Noodles' burner house-mate too. The sides of the people bucket are covered in green carpet with green fur on top! Today we made the last big steel parts, for the frame that goes around the bottom. Over the week (Tue. and Thu.) we'll connect it all up. We're a little behind, but not irreparably so. We even hauled out the carpets from last year's burn and started hosing them off. Much thanks to Grockstar who brought around a bucket of delicious alcoholic something or other. Hours of intoxicated conversation resulted, but work was somewhat impaired. Thanks also to Cary who brought us a pot of spaghetti and drinks today. You two made our days of work feel appreciated. More Tuesday and Thursday! Here's a cool shot from a couple of weeks ago.
Fabric wrangler shout out
back of Wormie's mouth. Fabric Depot at 122nd and Start is doing 40%
off with coupons and 50% off fur, BTW.
So who wants to sew this up into an 8' disc with a cord around the
I have the stuff... It's lightweight, and just two seams plus the border.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Map of Camp Sietch Grabrear Location in Black Rock City
Happy to be sharing such a sweet spot with friends...
regarding placement and Camp Sietch Grabrear:
BTW: There are 658 placed Theme Camps this year. 130 camp applications
were rejected (last year, only about 10 were rejected).
About 1/6 of the total camp submissions were rejected. That's pretty
steep. Many worthy camps got the boot.
I am grateful to Placement for the good location (Close in and great
neighbors--Silicon Village) and that we got the ALL real estate we
asked for.
It is now our duty to come together and "Make it so!"
Rich is working on the list of confirmed campers, and fiquring out how
to make all of our stuff fit.
If you have any major changes to your footprint let him know, ASAP.
He will be soon posting a list of confirmed campers ( we are 20
something in number right now).
He still has some questions for some of you.
It is encouraged that you bring some art to contribute to the camp.
It could be performance (dancing worms, serving tea and helping others
learn to play Mondo Croquet) or visual (including decor, signage, or
just plain old "art").
Sunday afternoon, I will be working on Flags/banners for the sTEAp T
house- the community shade structure, if anyone want to help, give me
a call.
- Stormfeather
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Burning Man Art Tours
You can download the full Honorarium Art Tour onto
your MP3 device of choice, and take your own art tour on playa.
Here is the link:
The art tour features such pieces as Steve the Robot HeAID by UberGeek, and In'cu-nab"u·lum by the Iron Monkeys.
Ger yer iPod on.....
- Stormfeather
- Rich Mackin
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
The Maw
Monday, August 3, 2009
Camp Sietch Grabrear Placement!
we will be at 6:00 and Fossil.
(facing 6:00 avenue).
link to the 2009 Map of Black Rock City
Send snail mail (and care packages) to us through the Black Rock City
Post Office!
Happy Camper
@ Camp Sietch Grabrear
6:00 and Fossil
Burning Man
Gerlach, NV 89412
- Stormfeather
2009 Burning Man Survival Guide now online
2009 Burning Man Survival Guide .pdf version
- Stormfeather