Monday, June 29, 2009


Thanks everyone for your help, contributions and company at the sTEAp Tea House.
It was a lovely weekend I'm thoroughly SOAKed!

Thanks to the SOAK planners, builders, greeters, rangers and staff for their work and campers for a great weekend.

I hope someone took pictures at sTEAp, and thanks to the hoopers, belly dancers; Serena and Serra, and Hot Tin Ruth's Burlesque Routine who performed at sTEAp on Saturday afternoon. (HT Ruth has requested that photos not be posted on the Intertubes.)

If you are interested in supporting the Sandworm Mutant Vehicle: Shai-Hulud or camping with us at Camp Sietch Grabrear at Burning Man, please join the Shai-Hulud Yahoo Group mailing list where Rich and I will post theme camp info. (CLICK the join button).

For more Sandworm Mutant Vehicle and Theme Camp info- please read
Home Page:

Monday, June 22, 2009

Spotted by some sharp eyed wormies, wait for the Dune reference- it is almost at the end.
Hilarious even if you aren't a wormie/Dune-ish. Thanks Lisa P. and Kerosene.
- Stormfeather
From Mahdl-T
To Shai-Hulud

We (BenK, BenD, Martin, Visitors Markus and family, and I) had a long day of building. Aside from the worm demanding a blood sacrifice from Markus, we did good. That'll put us on our toes safety wise, lemmie tell you. AlBob visited, and offered his hot tub about a mile down the road.

Ben and Ben and I arrived about noon and stayed 'till 1:30AM or so. I was back in Portland with the bus at 3AM. We finished the stairs but for some painting. Screwed down the decks. Welded loops on to hold the steel cable railing. And we made two long curved tubes that form the upper rear profile of the body, so it'll soon start to look like the monster.

We are moving the builds to BenD's property and occasionally other Portland locations now. Tuesday all day and night: BenD's Whacky shack. We'll assemble it all and cut plywood sides for the peeeple bucket up top. That'll form a worm profile for Soak, from the front of the deck back!

Thursday it's packing up and going. Want to ride with the Worm and help set up? Got stuff to take? I'll offer it on the Portland List soon if nobody takes it.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Title:   Build party in Salem
Date:   Saturday June 20, 2009
Time:   12:00 pm - 11:00 pm

Location:   Iron Clad Welding, Salem

Notes:   Big build party in Salem before SOAK.
Bring food, bring friends, make something wormie!

.Wednesday 6/17...Look Phil, I emailed this to the blog...

From: Mahdl-T
To: ShaiHulud

BenD and I spent yesterday (Tue) at the shop in Salem and we three mounted the stairs to the bus. Needs some more bits before it's done and solid, but it's there. My computer is down there, so I can't upload pics yet. Maybe by next week I'll figure out how to upload pics to the gallery on the website.

Martin is double busy with work and getting the Beast ready for a music festival that's paying him to stomp around. He now only has one day - this Saturday - to help us before Soak. So, if we want to look good for Soak, we need a major showing this Saturday in Salem.
Come on me wormies, let's make it look like a worm!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Week of June 15th

From Mahdl-t / Pork to Shai-Hulud:

Follow up message
Some good steps were accomplished by Martin and I. The last of the deck boards was dyed and varnished. I picked up the double ladder and martin welded it into a single unit. We made and welded on some fantastic high-tech looking mounting plates and so have a nice solid stairway done. Next we mount it to the bus. Cary brought me back from Salem so the bus can stay there as we get ready for Soak.

BenD and folks from Black Rock Boutique, and Rich from sTEAp, and others met this evening to form a village, and amazingly to me, they like the Dune theme so much they want to name the village some Duneish thing.

Here's a pic from Sunday. Tomorrow (Tuesday) BenD and I will go down to Salem to build. Others are always welcome. Thursday BenK and I will be down there. Then it's back at it again over the weekend. Join us?

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Weekend Build for June 13 & 14th

From Mahdl-T/Pork
to Shai-Hulud

Up for doing this weekend are:
- Finish the one sheet of plywood deck that didn't get done last week
- bolt the deck down
- finish sealing and foaming the roof inside the bus
- put the bus back together inside & clean up
- sand the sealant to shape outside (orbital sander)
- Buy ladder that will be transformed into a stairway

If the bus goes down to Salem Sunday:
- Make brackets for stairs and weld them on
- Make struts that hold the stairs out

And more!
Some fraction of this will get done, depending on who shows up. :-)
Free food and drink as always!
Also, come on over just to socialize if you like. I have some really exotic
fruit liquer to tempt you all with, BTW.

Afterburn Link

Here is the Afterburn Report from the BMorg for 2008.

We have been told to expect theme Camp Placement in early August.

About Camp Sietch Grabrear

If you would like to join iur Cam at Burning Man or help build the worm, please join our Yahoo Group and e-mail list:

About Camp Sietch Grabrear Campers:
  • Radically Expressive Participants. Free to create their own art, activities, costuming and performances and engage others.
  • Radically self reliant individuals who wish to share their camp with likeminded friends and give to the community.
  • Well prepared and have read the Survival Guide.
  • Willing to follow the Leave No Trace
Outdoor Ethic and Leave No Trace:
  • Responsible for their own fun and entertainment, meals, water, gray water, recycling and trash.
  • There will be no amplied noise or music other then what may come from the worm.
  • There will only be one burn barrel and only used when there are responsible people to stay in camp and maintain the fire safely.
  • There will be no pre-set camp schedule or agenda other than the worm, plus shade and a parade--- The Intergalatic Species Parade . There will be Ice tea afternoons, and yes, Mondo Croquet all hours.

Check in with me- "Richard_The_Black" when you reach BRC and I will help you find some land. All campers will need to be preregister and on our list in order to get a spot in camp.
Campers need to provide us with:
Name / other Playa names
Phone numbers
Arrival and departure times

If you have art that you are planning to bring to the camp please let us know.
The other all important tasks that need to be claimed is Camp Clean-up and Moop Patrol This is part of our commitment to BRC and our Leave No Trace ethic. We need a volunteer.

Test blogger

Sandworm power!

Sent from Stormfeather's iPhone